Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Internet Tips-3

Getting on the internet is the most important thing that you will ever do. I cannot overstate this point. Get on the internet - now. Your livelihood, your happiness and your future is at stake. Staying away from the internet is the social equivalent of committing suicide.

What is so great about the internet? Put simply, it's communication. The internet gives everyone on this planet the capability of communicating with anyone else (assuming they are on the internet also) at any time about anything that they want.

Perhaps the most basic human characteristic is communication. Humans are always chattering about something, whether it be written, spoken, drawn, painted, hand-signaled or coded in electronic waves. We have a basic, fundamental need to talk to someone, anyone. And when we're not talking, we want to be listening.

Just as important, the internet allows, uniquely in history, the ability to communicate virtually instantly and almost completely uncensored. Never before (and probably never again, if some people have their way) have you had the opportunity for open communications that you have now.

Take advantage of the internet like you've never taken advantage of anything before in your life. There are more opportunities here than you can imagine. There is money to be made, friends to be found, product to purchase and places to explore. Quite literally, there is something for everyone.

There is danger also, but if you are careful you will be fine. Load up your virus checking, install a firewall, watch out for scams, and protect your children and you should be fine.

So what are you waiting for? Get going, make a fortune and have fun. And email me with your success stories ... I'd love to know the cool things you've done on the web.

Sometimes people seem to make a choice between making their site pretty for search engines or making it useful for people. I am always fascinated when I hear this discussion. In fact, it is interesting to hear someone say "I'm removing my Webring because will get annoyed" or "I'm deleting my links page because god, uh, won't like it", or "search engines don't use meta tags, so I took them all out". These comments all ignore the basic datum about the internet. It's about PEOPLE! The internet is not about some silly, stupid little robots, or some faceless idiotic rules enforced by their creators. The internet is about communication.

Yes, search engines are a part of that communication, as it is one (and only ONE) want of getting people to your site. But there are an infinite number of other ways to get people to your site, from viral marketing to Webrings to link exchanges to contests to newsgroups to whatever else you can think of.

But if your site does not cater to PEOPLE, it will fail. Period.

Yes, it's a good idea to make sure your site is known to the engines and known well. But that is NOT the purpose of the site. The purpose of the site is to communicate. Pure and simple.

--Richard Lowe, Webmaster, Internet Tips And Secrets

Google's customers are advertisers; the searchers are the commodity that's being sold to the advertisers. The search engine is the bait used to get the commodity to view the advertisements. SEO types tend to reduce the value of the bait, which in turn lowers the value of the commodity, which in turn makes the advertisers (the customers) more likely to look elsewhere.

--Richard Lowe, Webmaster, Internet Tips And Secret

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